
SNSEDextend works on Python 2.7 and Python 3.4+ and requires the following Python packages:

Install using pip

Using pip:

pip install snsedextend


You will need a C compiler (e.g. gcc or clang) to be installed for the installation to succeed due to SNCosmo.

Setting Environment Variable

If you have not already, you will need to define the path to your SNDATA_ROOT folder by setting it as an environment variable. If you do not, the package will set it to your current directory. On Mac or Linux, set it by adding the following line to your .bashrc file:

export SNDATA_ROOT='full/path/to/folder'

On Windows, follow the directions here.

Install latest development version

SNSEDextend is being developed on github. To get the latest development version using git:

git clone git://
cd snsed


./ install

Optional dependencies

Several additional packages are recommended for enabling optional functionality in SNCosmo.

  • matplotlib for plotting functions.
  • iminuit for light curve fitting using the Minuit minimizer in sncosmo.fit_lc.
  • emcee for MCMC light curve parameter estimation in sncosmo.mcmc_lc.
  • nestle for nested sampling light curve parameter estimation in sncosmo.nest_lc.

iminuit, emcee and nestle can be installed using pip.

The corner package is also recommended for plotting results from the samplers sncosmo.mcmc_lc and sncosmo.nest_lc, but is not used by any part of sncosmo.